
"I'm a registered nurse and work at several different hospitals. After I applied Superglory to my scalp, everyone I met told me that my hair was pretty and had a shine to it. Practically everyone I spoke to that day said that my hair looked nice. So many people told me this, that it actually amazed me. Superglory is really unique and anointed by God.

My son, Allen also had a ring worm inhis head that medication failed to get rid of; but thanks to Superglory, I don't have to worry about that anymore. After only one application of Superglory , the ring worm dried up. Now Allen loves to comb his hair."                  Redella Lagrange, RN

"When I first applied Superglory to my hair, one of my church members came up to me and said, "sister Barbara turn around." I did. She said, "turn around again" I did. Then she said, "What have you done to your hair?" I simply told her that I tried a new hair conditioner that my sister makes. She said, "I know that there was something extra special about your hair today; it's as if the glory of the Lord is upon it."

"My two girls had an old white scale on their scalps, I guest you would call this psoriasis. After using Superglory; thanks to God, it's gone."            Barbara Offord

" I sold two jars to my co-workers and one reported that after using Superglory conditioner for 2 weeks, her hair grew over an inch longer. She can now roll her hair. The other person was a man. he gave the product to his wife. Ater using it she admitted that her hair never looked that good before."                              Carol Burns